Friday, February 02, 2007
Stock update 02 Feb 2007
Some of the positives that seem to be driving this movement are a good sustained growth of the economy, good corporate results, and a hunger by FII's to invest in India. A negative is that the P/E levels are pretty high, and this results in a lot of doomsaying by experts who cannot believe this growth.
What can a person do ? It would be ideal to keep on locking profit in non-equity measures such as FD's, real estate, gold, or investing in some business. If you don't believe in all this, then a good way would be to setup a SIP for mutual fund investment on a regular basis. The one good point about Mutual Funds is that they promise (well, not a written promise) to give a FD beating return year on year, so if you invest a certain amount in a good fund, and leave it for a number of years, you can see the power of compounding.
This post is longer than usual, so let's get on with the stocks that I am tracking:
1. Zicom Electronic Security - Rs. 205 (not a short term gainer)
2. ANG Exports - Rs. 303
3. Trigyn Tech - Rs. 36
4. Accel Frontline - Rs. 104
5. Fluidomat - Rs. 16 (more risky)
6. Fortis Financial - Rs. 123
7. Kojam Fininvest - Rs. 229
8. JMC Projects - Rs. 265
There is a wonderful latin phrase "caveat emptor". Simple meaning - Let the buyer beware. Why this phrase here ? These stocks are not my research, I pick these up from what other people say, although I have a certain amount of confidence in listing these. But, anybody who buys stock based on a tip does so at his / her own risk.
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